. . . and became willing to make amends to them all.

     When I make a list of all persons I have harmed, I must not forget to put myself at the very top of that list. I must remember that I deserve amends just as much as any other person on my list. How do I go about making amends to myself tho? 

   This is where I struggle in my amends. When making my amends to all other persons I have harmed, I pray and ask my higher power for guidance, to which He gives me. I ask for guidance in the ways that I can make amends to myself, but I still am completely unsure how to go about it. It feels selfish to me, even though I have heard from many old timers that it's something I need to do for myself. Just plain self-care at this point still feels extremely selfish, but I am getting better at it through practice. 

Does self-care qualify as making amends to oneself?




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